Thursday, November 8, 2012

Our Home part 2

I had two people comment via email that we were very close to the water. That wateer is a river, the Kissimee River. On the map you can see how the river snakes around. That is what the locals call the "old river". On the left you can see a wider straight waterway. That was dug by the Corps of Engineers in the 50's. Locally known as the ditch. A long story about mismanagement shortened to they dug knowing it was wrong and are now, 50 years later, filling it in. Anyway, we walk a few feet to our boat and can go looking for gators, birds, fishing or just relaxing. The pin is where our home is located. Drive by and you get wet as we are at the end of the street.

Map picture

Living on the river has some interesting sites. I’ll include a few pix here but will do a blog just on wildlife later. First a couple of shots of our ever prowlers. We have to take great care with Tanzy when she is out. She runs free when we can be with her otherwise she is on a wire run.


Taken late in the evening, a popular time to go visiting for Mr. Gator.


Mr. Gator seems agitated about something!


A look across the river from our home.


Our dock and boat where the previous pix was taken.


A great blue heron on our seawall about 10 feet from our home. We get many avian visitors.

Hope that you enjoyed these few pix and follow along to see more. I was asked after the first post if I was going to post regularly. I enjoy sharing our life with our friends. I will continue as time and travel permit. Signing up to follow would encourage me to keep at it. :-) Thanks. Tom

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