Thursday, June 26, 2014

Sieur de Monts Spring

A nice day trip in Acadia National Park is a visit to Sieur de Monts Spring where wild flowers abound. We will make more visits as the seasons progress to watch the changing of the flora.

Quoting from the Acadia web site

“In a true sense, this spot has come to symbolize the vision and passion of private citizens such as George B. Dorr that bloomed into Acadia National Park.

George B. Dorr was the Park's first superintendent. In 1909, he built the structure you see below over a spring and carved “The Sweet Waters of Acadia” on a nearby rock. Dorr named the spring in honor of the French nobleman, Pierre Du Gua, de Monts. In 1603, Sieur de Monts was commissioned Lieutenant Governor of New France by King Henry IV which gave him authority over all of North America from present-day Philadelphia to Montreal.

Sieur-de-Monts Spring House

The King directed Sieur de Monts “to establish the name, power, and authority of the King of France; to summon the natives to a knowledge of the Christian religion; to people, cultivate, and settle the said lands; to make explorations and especially to seek out mines of precious metals.” Sieur de Monts set forth with his navigator, Samuel Champlain, and his crew and sailed to North America.”

There are an number of pictures that you will need to double click on to see the details in the flowers. Use the back arrow to return to blog after viewing.

Blue Eyed GrassBlueettes

The flowers on the left are Blue Eyed Grass blossoms. The ones on the right are bluets.

Common Cinque FoilDon't Know 1

Common cinque foil on the left and I remember the one on the right.


Another TBN on the left and one of many members of the fern family growing on this cool and wet island.

Frog on LilypadIris

Can you find the frog? Iris on the Right.

Labrador TeaJack-in-the-Pulpit 2

Anyone care for Labrador Tea? That is it on the left accompanied by Jack about ready to give a sermon from his pulpit.

Giant Lady SlipperLady Slipper

A giant yellow lady Slipper protected by a mesh cage with a family member the diminutive whitish lady slipper.

Pitcher Plant

Last but not least, well last of the flowers, is the pitcher plant.

Bird 1  Bird 2

This friendly pair seem to want their picture taken as they each posed quietly until I could get the shot that I wanted. I believe they are a mated pair that were gathering nest material when not posing for tourist pictures. Can you identify them?

Did you wonder why the wire mesh cage on the giant lady slipper? there were other plants that were similarly encased. This shows why…

No Beavers

No Beavers Close up 2

If you can identify either of the two that I have forgotten, please email me and I will update the blog with credit given for your knowledge. Thanks.

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